LEVOIT Air Purifier for Home Allergies Pets Hair in Bedroom, Covers Up to 1095 ft² by 45W High Torque Motor, 3-in-1 Filter with HEPA sleep mode, Remove Dust Smoke Pollutants…

(98025 customer reviews)


  • A 45W long-life high-torque motor, a versatile 8.7″ x 8.7″ x 14.2″ size, a 7.48 lb weight, a 141CFM CADR and up to 1095 ft² of purification area for original filter. Levoit Original Filter is HEPA-grade while operating in Sleep Mode, as tested by an independent lab
  • HIGH PERFORMANCE: Enjoy fresh air in minutes with the Core 300-P Air Purifier ( Model No.: Core 300), which has a CADR of 141 CFM/240 m³/h and can purify the air of a 1,095 ft² space once/hour (based on Levoit’s Original Filters; not applicable to other replacement filters)
  • FIND RELIEF: Our filter has a strong filtration performance of ultrafine particles. 99.97% filtration efficiency for 0.1~0.3μm airborne particulates, including pollen, dust, and animal dander allergens.*Tested by an independent lab
  • OFFICIAL LEVOIT FILTERS: Search for B07RSZSYNC to find Levoit’s replacement filter for Core 300-P air purifier, Model No.: Core 300. Levoit filters provide the best fit and filtration, while off-brand filters are unreliable and may damage the air purifier
  • MULTIPLE FILTER CHOICES: Choose from a variety of replacement filters to best meet your needs. The Toxin Absorber Filter specializes in smog, toxins, and VOCs. The Smoke Remover filter specializes in wildfire, smoke and etc. And the Pet Allergy Filter helps to capture pet dander and absorb unpleasant odors
  • WHISPER QUIET AIR CLEANER: Choose Sleep Mode at night and then forget all about your air purifier while you sleep. QuietKEAP Technology reduces noise levels to a near-silent 24dB in sleep mode, ensuring it won’t get in the way of a good night’s rest
  • SLEEK DESIGN: The Core300-P Air Purifier, Model No.: Core 300, practically serves your home while blending in with your decor. Its award-winning design (Red Dot, 2020) and modern white finish help your air purifier fit anywhere in your home/bedroom/room
  • UNDISTURBED OPERATION: The display light can be turned off to enjoy a perfect night of sleep without the effect of light. A timer for 2/4/6/8 hours and filter lifetime indicator for your convenience
  • FULL CERTIFIED FOR SAFER: Energy Star Verified, Complies with California air resources board (CARB) for indoor cleaning devices. Also FCC certified, ETL listed

98025 reviews for LEVOIT Air Purifier for Home Allergies Pets Hair in Bedroom, Covers Up to 1095 ft² by 45W High Torque Motor, 3-in-1 Filter with HEPA sleep mode, Remove Dust Smoke Pollutants…

  1. E1

    I like this air filter. It was easy to set up and seems to work well (I have not done any scientific tests on whether it has actually improved the air quality). It is not too loud and seems to make the air feel more fresh. I would recommend this item.

  2. E1

    This unit cleans very well for its size. The unit is quiet and it sets up very easily, the Bluetooth connection and functionality are very well laid out and easy to manage. You can have it set up where the device will send you notifications when bad air quality and good air quality or detected. As a test in my room I have the device set to Auto function and then look at the reading the reading was in the good category I went to the other side of the room lit a match and within about a minute or two the device displayed bad air quality show the amount of the impurities in the air and went to cleaning the air out it took about 3 or 4 minutes after detection and it was back to good air quality. I will be buying a second unit for the other room in the house.

  3. R. Toro

    An air purifier is not a complicated device. It is a fan, and an air filter. The fan pulls air through the air filter, and catches various particles and impurities in the air. As long as you have a decent HEPA filter, and a fan that has enough velocity to circulate the room air through the filter effectively, it will work to clean the air. You can build one yourself with a box fan and some high quality furnace filters and duct tape if you have to.

    So what distinguishes this one from the hundreds of others out there, why is it so popular?

    (1) Low up front costs – this has enough power to handle a small room effectively and a true HEPA filter at a pretty low initial cost.

    (2) Easy to live with – the fan is very quiet except on high, and even on high it isn’t obnoxiously loud. Changing the filter takes about 10 seconds and is easy to do. There is a pre-filter to catch large dust/animal hair and the like which you can vacuum to extend the life of the HEPA filter for small particles. The unit itself is not huge or ugly, so it can sit in the corner of most rooms without being objectionable.

    (3) Available filters – this unit’s extreme popularity means that there will likely be filters available for many years.

    (4) It does work – I bought an air quality meter after the recent wildfire smoke episode, and it shows me that this thing does a pretty good job in small rooms. In bigger rooms it will still provide some benefit, but it is really not able to move enough air quickly enough to clean a large room.


    The filters are relatively small, so they will have to be changed fairly frequently if you run the unit constantly. How frequently? I don’t know, your mileage will vary depending on how many pets you have, how much wildfire smoke is in your area, etc. But I would expect to buy at least two a year if comparing this to other units that may have larger filters you need to change less often. So think about the total running costs and not just the up front cost when comparison shopping here. If you are thinking about saving money by trying to run this in a bigger room than it is designed for, don’t go down that road. You do need to size your unit to the area you are trying to keep clean. A large room needs a larger unit with a bigger fan and a bigger filter. Also, all of these things are quieter if not running on high. So it is better to get a bigger unit even one that handles more than you are asking it to, and then run it slower and change the filters less often versus trying to save money up front and then driving the thing as hard as it will go to barely get any benefit.

  4. team W

    With a Golden Retriever & Great Piranis roaming about, there was a lot of sneezing and stuffy noses. Just the life of dog ownership… or is it?
    This LEVOIT Air Purifier is Creepy how well it works. Decided on the WiFi model and made the little account.
    It gets moved from room to room right now. The bedroom is a night’s rest in clean fresh air. With or without the dogs present in the room. It notifies me if it detects poor air and initiates cleaning, when I have it on automatic.
    I could go on about its features, sleep mode is amazing for instance. This model has a higher price point than the same model without the Wifi. Worth every additional cent, in our humble opinion. Had no idea the air we were accustom to breathing was actually so poor. This is particular device for us is amazing, wonderful… I can actually be in the room, the device will engage because of poor air, finish its cycle and I actually notice a difference, I can breath easier. It’s an amazing device. Had no idea air could be made sweet.
    We are budgeting to get get two more with the bells and whistles.

  5. Mariana

    È un ottimo prodotto, con un’ampia disponibilità di filtri differenti a seconda della caratteristiche richieste. Ha un sensore che gli permette di rilevare la quantità di pm 2,5 nell’aria, e di regolare di conseguenza la velocità della ventola. Quando cucino qualcosa alla piastra anche in una stanza vicina e con la porta chiusa, rileva subito il peggioramento della qualità dell’aria e interviene di conseguenza. Molto sensibile anche con il fumo di sigaretta e l’inquinamento atmosferico, meno con gli odori. L’applicazione è ben fatta, permette di impostare differenti logiche di funzionamento ed eventualmente anche di scegliere manualmente la velocità. Da quando lo uso anche di notte alla velocità minima, ho notato un miglioramento delle allergie. Lo consiglio per ambienti fino a 20-25 metri quadrati, come sostiene anche il produttore, al di sopra è troppo lento.

  6. Mariana

    La función auto es una maravilla lo enchufas y te olvidas de él, cuando detecta algo en el aire se pone a mayor velocidad hasta que lo elimina, normalmente no suena nada y gracias a que se puede dejar funcionando con la pantalla apagada es perfecto para dejarlo en el dormitorio.

  7. Terri

    Got this one for my room. My cats like the air that flowing out. The sound isn’t bad and I kind of like the noise and helps me sleep better. This works pretty good that I got another one for the other bedroom and then got a bigger one for my livingroom. My neighbor bought the bigger bigger one and loved it so I got some. Well worth it! When I cook downstairs the smell goes up into my bedroom, this clears the smell pretty quickly! I haven’t tried putting any oil sent in yet. Maybe. But I have a totally of three now. Great buy!!!

  8. Fabio

    Il s’agit de mon premier purificateur d’air.
    Avant mon achat je me suis renseigné sur l’efficacité de cet appareil auprès des commentaires Amazon. J’ai pu lire d’innombrables avis en tous genre négatifs et positifs.
    UN CONSEIL : Si vous hésitez à acquérir cet appareil suivez mon avis, FONCEZ ! Appareil au TOP !

    Je ne connaissais pas la marque Lévoit, mais j’ai pu constater qu’ils étaient expert dans le domaine du traitement de l’air avec une multitude d’appareils : Purificateur d’air, humidificateur d’air, ventilateurs etc… et que les avis laissés par les acheteurs frôlaient la perfection des 5 étoiles !
    Mon choix se portait d’office sur un appareil sans Ozone (apparemment nocif pour la santé).

    Etant donné que j’habite dans un appartement de 50m², j’ai opté pour la version Core300 non connectée (NORME CE) qui me parait suffisante pour la superficie à traiter et mon utilisation personnelle.
    Ce modèle peut renouveler l’air 5 fois par heure dans une pièce de 40 m² et apporte de l’air frais en 12 minutes.
    Je tiens à préciser que cet appareil n’est pas un aspirateur ! ! ! Mais, il aide grandement à purifier l’air si vous n’aérez pas chaque jour 15′ pour renouveler votre air.
    J’en suis tellement ravis que j’en ai offert 2 à ma famille.

    💨 Le purificateur d’air Lévoit Core300 (Non Connectée) :
    Ce modèle peu encombrant peu se dissimuler dans un recoin de chez vous facilement ou dans une chambre. Il n’est pas très encombrant.
    Il est équipé d’un gros filtre Hépa (4 sortes existantes) de 2 couches de filtres (Nylon ultra-fin et charbon) permettant de retenir les particules capturées. On y accède très facilement pour le nettoyer ou le remplacer par un autre sans gros efforts.

    📄 Les caractéristiques :
    Les boutons sont tactiles et l’affichage visuelle est blanche par défaut et bleue lorsque vous activez une option.
    On y retrouve.
    – 3 choix de ventilation : faible/modérée/forte
    – 4 temps de programmation (2h/4h/6h/8h)
    – Mode nuit (le bruit est quasi inaudible) : Parfait dans une chambre, même pour un enfant !
    – Sécurité enfant
    – Témoin de vérification du filtre
    – Désactivation de la lumière d’affichage

    🌬️ Ressenti de l’air :
    L’air aspiré est traité par une turbine qui passe dans un gros filtre de plusieurs couches du filtre et en ressort par le dessus de l’appareil.
    De là, j’ai pu ressentir que l’air de la pièce est devenue plus frais avec une nette amélioration et qualité de l’air qui n’est plus chargé par la pollution extérieure, graminées, odeurs…, l’air est beaucoup plus saint !
    Quant aux odeurs de nourritures, elles sont beaucoup plus longues à faire disparaitre.
    !!! Petit conseil que je peux vous donner. Si vous disposez d’un diffuseur d’huile essentielle, mettez le en marche et allumez votre purificateur, celui-ci aspirera l’huile essentielle et le redistribuera dans votre pièce plus homogènement et efficacement.

    🔊 Niveau sonore :
    En ce qui concerne le niveau sonore, il est très silencieux (selon le choix de ventilation) et on oublie rapidement qu’il est en fonction.
    Il n’est pas gênant aussi bien de jour comme de nuit et peut très bien se retrouver dans une chambre d’enfant grâce au mode nuit. Il est quasi inaudible !

    🧽Nettoyage du filtre :
    Il est préconisé de changer le filtre tous les 5 à 6 mois (selon l’encrassement du filtre).
    Pour plus d’efficacité et d’économies sur le long terme, je le dépoussière à l’aspirateur.

    ❗Points à améliorer :
    – Pour ce modèle non connecté, il serait intéressant de développer un système de couleurs permettant de signaler instantanément si l’air ambiant est “propre ou saturée”. (comme sur les modèles connectées).
    – Une télécommande pour activer ou éteindre à distance l’appareil lorsque celui-ci se trouve dans une chambre d’enfant sans y entrer et le réveiller serait appréciable !
    ⚠️IMPORTANT : Une sécurité est manquante sur ce modèle, notamment lorsque l’appareil est en marche, on peut accéder sans problème au filtre et à la grille de protection où se trouve la turbine qui pourrait provoquer de petits accidents surtout avec de petits doigts sans que l’appareil se coupe. Un bouton de verrouillage serait le bienvenue.

    Laissez moi vous confirmer que cet appareil est un bon élément à disposer chez soit surtout si vous avez des problèmes respiratoire.
    Mes allergies aux poussières et graminées se sont estompées en peu de temps ! ni, la pollution de l’air extérieure. Pour les odeurs de nourritures, il faudra du temps pour les estomper.
    Très bon rapport qualité/prix. Conception du produit de bonne qualité au design épuré, sobre et élégant.
    Léger et peu encombrant.
    Aucuns disfonctionnements, surchauffes, anomalies constatées.
    Celui-ci répond convenablement à mes attentes et c’est sans regrets.
    ! Attention de bien enlever le plastique du filtre avant utilisation.

    👍 Je recommande “vitalement” ce purificateur d’air !

  9. Jose Carlos Perez de Leon Carmona

    The media could not be loaded.

     Excelente purificador, se siente en cambio al encenderlo la verdad es un buen producto. Un poco de ruido te acostumbras o el modo noche no hace ruido. Puedes poner el temporizador de 4 horas y se apaga, sufro de alergias y me ayuda mucho a que el ambiente esté más limpia lo recomiendo

  10. Mac Family

    me gusto que aunque este apagado, si esta conectado capta si hay mala calidad de aire para que prendas el purificador, yo que vivo con mi perro la realidad es que me ayudo bastante sobre todo a dormir

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